Thursday, June 2, 2016

Climbing Out Of The Comfort Zone: Is Fear Keeping You Stagnant Or Helping You Grow?

Picture a waking up on a cold winter morning. You are all cozy and warm under the covers; snuggled up between soft pillows. It's still pretty dark in the room, but there is a little sunlight filtering in. Maybe it's just me, but getting up and out of bed on cold mornings takes every bit of energy and strength I can muster. Why would I want to leave my bed to venture out into the dark, cold world?

Because you can't live in your comfort zone. Nothing happens there.

That's what I keep reminding myself right now.

I'm just a couple days away from my big writing retreat adventure, and honestly, I'm freaking out a little bit. Ok, by little bit, I mean I'm considering cutting my own hair to have bangs again. Obviously, I'm not in the greatest frame of mind.

I don't really understand why I'm freaking out and worrying. I know I'm supposed to go on this trip. I know I'm supposed to write this book, whether it gets published or not. God worked way too much out for me for this to be something outside of His will.

When God wants you to do something, He makes a way, and that is exactly what's been going on with this trip. For example, my car broke down last week and mixed in with that first batch of thoughts was, "I should cancel the trip." I immediately shut that down and stood on Philippians 4:19, "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Sure enough, my car ended up running again and I didn't pay a dime for it. Granted, the mechanic told me to get a new car as soon as I return, but that's a whole different adventure I don't have to face today.

So, why am I stressing about something God has His hand on?

Because it's out of my comfort zone.

I can't rely on my own experience because I've never left the country. I can't rely on anyone else because I'm going alone and don't know anyone where I'm heading. All I can do it trust that God is positioning and protecting me.

I won't say everyone, but just like no sane human being wants to get out of a warm bed on a cold, dark morning, no sane human really wants to jump out into something unknown. All you can do in the dark, cozy comfort zone is sleep and rest. You are useless. You have to get out of bed to get anything done and be useful. Accomplishing His will requires a little work on your part. There is a quote from Lisa Bevere in "Girls With Swords" that says, "If you are not praying the type of prayers that scare you, your prayers are certainly not frightening our enemy.” There is also a similar quote of "if your dreams don't scare you, dream bigger." So maybe, it's not a terrible thing to be a little scared.

But it's a good kind of scared. It's the "this is going to change my life" kind of scared. If I was 100% comfortable with this, it wouldn't change me nearly as much. Heather Eschenbaum teaches that ALL THE TIME. I have to be uncomfortable and vulnerable so God can show His strength in every part of this process.

During my meltdown before the car was fixed, I was sharing my concerns with a co-worker who encouraged this trip. She looked me dead in the eye and said, "It's not in your comfort zone now, but when you come back, it will be." Boom. This is positioning. I thought of Mary Seidler in that moment. She didn't just travel by herself to another country. She up and moved to across the world and is now making an impact in Poland. If she would have stayed in her comfort zone in Kansas City, people in Poland would be missing out. She had to take the first step to see those dreams realized. Bevere wrote, "It is impossible to win the race unless you venture to run. Impossible to win the victory unless you dare to battle."

Of course, I went to a pre-screening of a movie last night with a tagline of "Live Boldly." Ok, ok, ok. I get it.

It is time to rip off the comfortable covers and jump into the cold, dark unknown. That is where something big can happen. Fear can either force you to stay stagnant or grow. The choice is up to you.

Sidenote: In case you haven't seen it, Redhead in Revival is now on Facebook and Twitter. Give the pages a follow and stay up to date.

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