Saturday, February 28, 2015

Second Quarter Quotes

Now that I've slept for about a week straight to kinda sorta catch up on all the rest I missed the past 8, it's time to put a bow on winter quarter at the World Revival School of Ministry. For some reason, it feels like it lasted forever. That's probably because it was an incredibly bumpy few weeks outside the classroom. Or it might have been the enemy attacking since we were covering such important topics. Each class was its own unique blend of wisdom, powerful moments and laughter, but each class changed us deeply. I just went through my notes and typed out most of the quotes I wrote down. They aren't in any particular order, other than grouped by serious and hilarious. There are a lot, but a lot happened during those 120 hours we spent in the classroom. I hope at least one quote helps you through whatever is going on in your life.
  • "We don't let the enemy drag us where we don't want to go." - Autumn Darden
  • "Survival isn't dignified. Do you want to be pretty or free?" - Autumn
  • "Grace of God is an empowerment. It's not mush-gushy. 'I still love you anyway' is not grace. That's mercy." - Autumn
  • "God wants us to BE better, not DO better." - Autumn
  • "Hungry people don't care about you. They want help." - Pastor Steve Gray
  • "We don't want to be the people who say 'This is who I am.'" - Pastor Steve
  • "Things are happening while you are sitting here thinking about what you are going to have for lunch!" - Pastor Steve
  • "Don't start asking if you don't have any honor or respect for Him." - Autumn
  • "Everything that can be shaken, will be shaken." - Autumn
  • "If you've decided who you are and who your trust is in, you will not be shaken." - Autumn
  • Anything you don't expect is there to shake you." - Autumn
  • "If it's too hard, you haven't grabbed a hold of the strength of the Lord and are doing it wrong." - Autumn
  • "We don't want an emotional response. We want a Word response because that's what changes your life forever." - Pastor Steve
  • "If you don't respond, He'll quit speaking to you." - Pastor Steve
  • "When it's all about you, it's hard to be happy." - Autumn
  • "Prayer is easy when you recognize Him as supreme ruler." - Autumn
  • "America is Martha. We don't know how to be Mary because we think Mary is lazy." - Autumn
  • "Hypocrisy in religion causes you to be lower. It pushes down. It doesn't pull up." - Autumn
  • "Wanna see more miracles? Respond to the word you've been given." - Autumn
  • "God doesn't like a shortcut relationship. Good enough is not good enough. It's an attitude that there's no excellence put into it." - Pastor Eric Thomason
  • "It's the 'nevers' that cause us to be greater because eventually, you'll end up doing it. Don't ever short change God in your life and say 'I'll never do that' or 'I'm not good enough.'" - Pastor Eric
  • "Don't be mad at the world for being the world!" - Pastor Eric
  • "Don't get impatient with God. With God it is about the journey, because when you find fulfillment, the seeking is over. The journey ends when you are dead." - Pastor Eric
  • "If you notice God isn't speaking, you've either gone too fast and need to back and let him walk you through it, or you've stopped praying." - Pastor Eric
  • "You need to recognize what is in you will bring life to a dying world. It will bring light to the darkness." - Pastor Tom Trout
  • "The battle for recognition is easy. Throw yourself into Jesus." - Pastor Tom
  • "Worship needs to reinforce, powerfully, the truth of God." - Pastor Tom
  • "Whenever you say yes to God and no to the world, you are putting the enemy under your feet. There's an escalation there." Pastor Tom
  • "You can't self-deliver you. Deliverance is something only God can do." - Pastor Tom
  • "Do they walk away from their experience with you blessed? Or do they walk away from their experience with you drained?" - Pastor Tom
  • "Your perspective dictates your response. You base your response on what you see." - Pastor Dustin Smith
  • "We've been taught in church to sing, not to see. We've been taught that silence equals reverence." - Pastor Dustin
  • "Commands are for me to experience the benefits of God. Traditions only allow me to experience people." - Pastor Dustin
  • "You don't give thanks ahead of time because you don't have it, but giving thanks ahead of time shows we know we already have it." - Pastor Dustin
  • Pastor Dustin's acronym for Worship = Worth & Warfare, One focus, Response, Shifts atmospheres, Honor, Invigorating, Purpose & People
  • "The best way to be responsive in worship is to ask to be sensitive to what to respond to." - Pastor Dustin
  • "When your worship is just rules made by man, it brings no life." - Pastor Dustin
  • "You can have your eyes fixed on the monster, but I prefere to look at the growing fire that consumes the monster." - Pastor Tom
  • "Each one of us, because we are human, are like a fingerprint of God, and a fingerprint is a form of identification." - Pastor Tom
  • "Prayer and action go hand in hand. It's not something we do. Prayer is who we are." - Pastor Diana Trout
  • "In order to do something with your life, your going to have to get off the path of least resistance." - Pastor James Koppang
  • "Walking with God is more important than being blessed by God." - Pastor James
  • "You are blessed to be a blessing." - Pastor James
  • "We've got a lot of work to do on the men of our culture. Our culture really messes up girls' brains about what's worthy of being pursued." - Pastor James
  • "Don't be an idiot." - Pastor James
  • "People are moved more by the weather than by the Holy Spirit. That's why God lets the weather get out of control so they will ask the Holy Spirit for help." - Heather Eschenbaum
  • "There is always going to be a mocker or two, so don't get bummed." - Pastor Kathy Gray
  • "Perfectionism kills the anointing. Analyzation kills the anointing. Analyzation kills the blessing." - Heather
  • "Perfectionism, you need to recognize it in yourself as a flaw." - Heather
  • "Looking inward causes people to die around you. Introspection causes harm." - Heather
  • "Evaluation is important in a moment, not a lifestyle." - Heather
  • "God is like, 'Stop talking to my enemy and I'll kill it.'" - Heather
  • "The mistakes will never stop. Mistakes will never stop until you are in heaven. Your mistakes should spread out. Prefectionism takes you back to the start." - Heather
  • "It's golidlocks syndrome. You're either too young or too old. You'll never be just right." - Heather
  • "If we already had it, it wouldn't be called hope." - Pastor Kathy
  • "He's not looking to make your life hard. He's looking to be a part of it." - Heather
  • "It's not about the bar. It's not about the club. It's what's been birthed in you to get you to that point." - Heather
  • "If Mary had been concerned about having a boyfriend or getting married, she would have missed a move of God." - Heather
  • "You don't really love him. You're in love with love." - Heather
  • "Type A people, don't be driven. Type B people, come up." - Heather
  • "Word of wisdom rises above common sense. It's divine." - Heather
  • "Elijah was looking for heart. The guy with the mantle was looking for hearts." - Heather
  • "You are on an accelerated path with your mantle. This is an Olympic training center. You are being trained for the Olympics of God." - Heather
  • "Don't let the enemy cover you in the things that aren't of God." - Heather
  • "People leave because they don't want to have to change anymore. The people who succeed are the ones who transform from glory to glory in Jesus." - Heather
  • "If you want to live a spiritual life, stop talking about the things you don't have and talk about the things you do."
  • "You never lose in the Kingdom of God by giving what you have." - Pastor Kathy
  • "It is a rare breed who do not get offended by the Word. It's ok to feel a response. It's another thing to feel offense." - Heather
  • "Elisha didn't find the mantle. The mantle found him. God looks for true leaders in the field of obscurity." - Heather
  • "What has God called you to? He's called you to more." - Heather

But not every moment was serious. Sometimes, things just got silly. Some might be 'had to be there' moments, but they cracked us up like none other.
  • "What are you going to give up for lent? Uh... lent!" - Pastor Steve
  • "We've been freed in Christ, yeah, but not freed to be an idiot!" - Pastor Eric
  • "We are a car one moment an a monster the next!' Pastor Diana (on transforming our passions back and forth)
  • "Knowing the capitals of all the states is not going to help me in my life. Ever." - Pastor James
  • "To squander our time is borderline sin. I won't go all the way and say it's sin because then you can't quote me! I said borderline!" - Pastor James
  • "I'm sorry son. You can't see, but your mother really likes her hair." - Pastor James (on financial priorities)
  • "At some point, you're going to have to ask her to marry you. If that's your first conversation, that's weird!" - Pastor James
  • "Did you just say you are happier when Trevor shuts up?" - Kimi "Now THAT is funny!" - Pastor Diana
  • "That would be borderline hell for me, having a Q & A with you guys." - Pastor James
  • "I go talk to the people who are smiling. If they are frowning, pffft! Unless I feel like I need to go check on them, because I'm a PASTOR!" - Pastor James
  • Don't 'woooaaah' me! 'Wooooaaahh' God... If you're feeling saucy today." - Pastor James
  • "Healthy does not mean a size one... girls! You might wanna have a little extra on ya for the winter!" - Pastor James
  • "I realize eating gallons of gummy worms is not good, but they're so good." - Pastor James
  • "Your wife has every liberty to comment on how you're maybe becoming overweight. You have zero to say to her. Like Nazi! Communist! DO NOT!" - Pastor James
  • "Somebody, Dustin, introduced me to 24. He didn't tell me it was like crack! I can't label it anything other than straight pagan!" - Pastor James
  • "Pastor Steve and Kathy are not type A. They are type Jesus." - Heather
  • "You cannot be this happy and be a perfectionist, like Rainbow Brite comin' outta ya!" - Heather
  • "He's so comfy. He's like a big sack of potatoes." - Pastor Kathy (about her cat)
  • "Being single is a gift. Write that down!" - Heather
  • "Holy Spirit Mafia." - Pastor Kathy
  • "No, you want her poor little mind to explode!" - Heather
  • "I'm trying to break open your minds and reach my hand in and pull something out. Don't make me do it for real!" - Heather
  • "Is that a man you want to raise children with? 'But he's hot.' Well, then your children will be pretty punks." - Heather

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Valentines, Savoring Singlehood, and the Love of God

Since it's Valentine's Day, it seems like a good time to share from the plethora of relationship advice that's been flowing out at school and church. Maybe the approaching holiday that stirred the Spirit so much on the topic. That, or someone just really wasn't getting the point. As hilarious and wise as the relationship chats were, it's also been brutal. I'm ready for it to be done.

I'm going to blame Pastor James Koppang for starting this, since it is part of his class and he hit it first. His class on dating was hilarious. I didn't write down many of his quotes because I was laughing so hard. I did write down my own little piece of humor. Early on, Pastor James mention knights in shining armor not always being what they seem, so I wrote down a little gem for the lucky friends sitting next to me. (Pictured to the right.) Mad giggling ensued.

Pastor James did have some interesting thoughts on dating. He listed three things to look for.
   - 1. Do they love God in a way that makes them soft-hearted, teachable, moldable and open to God moving?
   - 2. Do you have fun together? Fun sparks are more important than the romantic variety.
   - 3. Am I somewhat attracted to them? (Because you aren't really going to care in 5 years.)

That last point ended up convicting me quite a bit later in the week. A decently good looking guy came into the bookstore I work in and bought a Bible. We talked for about 20 minutes about faith and the perception of Christians in the workplace. It was a great talk and he seemed really nice. At one point, I caught myself thinking, "if only he was taller." I have had a thing for tall guys for years, but should that really be a deal-breaker? I text one of my friends about it, "How many times have I blown off a possibly good guy because he didn't meet my shallow physical 'requirements?' I want a tall guy for entirely selfish reasons, and that isn't love." The answer is more than I really want to even think about. Attraction is important, but not an end-all, be all. In the words of Heather Eschenbaum, "Is that a man you want to raise your children with? But he's hot? Well, then, your children will be pretty punks."

Pastor James also argued against dating at all because people don't act like themselves, you can't tell if you are even friends in the cloud of romance, and it sets a pattern for divorce. One thing he said that really stuck out was, "We've got a lot of work to do on the men of our culture. Our culture really messes up girls' brains about what's worthy of being pursued." It is so true on so many levels. Just let that sink in.

Heather and Autumn's classes the next day felt like a total beat down. I thought I took notes, but apparently I didn't. It was that level crazy intense. They focused on first of all, not being stupid, as well as how rushing to get married just to be in that relationship can end up with you marrying a loser who steals your destiny. Very heavy stuff. It carried into Pastor Kathy's sermon that night, when she talked about marriage not being the goal. The goal is to get married to serve God together. I feel like girls lose track of that and put too much self-worth in marital status, myself included from time to time. It's an obnoxious cycle.

Several of us thought and hoped we were done with the relationship talk that weekend... but no. It came up again Friday in Heather's class. Heather made another perspective altering point. What if  you are single now because God wants to spend time with you? Taking time to be set apart means you aren't dating in your mind at the same time. It seems obvious, but it just isn't really done. Girls talk about guys all the time. Even in my group at school, we say all the time that we aren't dating, but yet we are still looking and talking about it.

That leads up to Pastor Kathy's sermon Friday night, where she talked about maturity in relationships and operating in the love of God, not the fluffy shallow version of love our society looks for. Of course, we focused on the characteristics of love in 1 Corinthians 13, which we really should be thinking about. Love is powerful, yet we throw that word around like it means nothing. We love pizza. We love a certain TV show. We say we love people in our lives, but do we really? Are we patient and kind, not just to those we are dating or married to, but to friends and strangers? Or are we jealous, proud and rude in our relationships? Are we really showing what it's like to chose to love people the way God loves us? Something to think about.

Yes, Valentine's Day is a dumb holiday, but I've never been one to really ignore it, no matter the relationship status. It's always been a good day to love on people, like in middle school, when my friends and I planned an auction to benefit a cancer patient we knew. It's a good day to think on what love is and what it is not. This day marks two years since I escaped my last long-term relationship, which was incredibly toxic. That really changed how I look at relationships and what I want in my life. This year, I'm spending the day with amazing friends who are running after Christ along with me. It's a much better life decision than whining about not having a boyfriend or husband. Plus, there is chocolate!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Don't Be Shaken

The struggle is real.

I don't know how many times I've clicked on "new post" or opened my journal but nothing makes it onto the page. It's not like nothing is happening. January was a whirlwind month on so many levels, but nothing would come out. I even started this post a week ago and just never could finish it. I've tried so many times, I don't remember where I was going with it, so I'm just going to let it be and move on.

Maybe it's the weight of everything that happened and the words spoken that's made it hard to write about. I've felt like some big change is on its way for a little while, and that was really confirmed over the past two weeks. As I started writing this, I was streaming service from World Revival Church. Pastor Steve Gray just mentioned preparing by getting passports, which has been on my mind for a while. This is on the heels of Pastor Steve declaring at the women's conference, "The lion has roared" and Autumn really pushing the students to be more disciplined, eliminate options, and to know who we are so we won't be shaken.

Right now feels like the shakedown. So many of my friends and I have been fighting through a myriad of struggles and attacks. It sucks that it is all at the same time. It makes us harder to be there for each other when we have our own problems. It pulls us out of community, which is one of the places we draw strength. That is to be expected since we have an enemy who wants to destroy us. He isn't going to make things easy for us in the slightest. But we will overcome because Yahweh is with us. A couple things Autumn said in class last Friday that stood out were, "If it's too hard, you haven't grabbed a hold of the strength of the Lord and you are doing it wrong" and, "If you've decided who you are and who your trust is in, you will not be shaken." Of course, that night, Pastor Eric introduced a new song with the line, "shake everything that can be shaken." The classmate I sat with and I could not get through the line without giggling. (Of course, as I wrap this post up, the church is singing it again.) Pastor Tom's sermon hit on a lot of the major points from the week's classes, affirming everything we had been talking about. Something big is coming... the season is changing. But in order to get to the change, we have to fight to hold on... fight to stand our ground. We will not be shaken.