Monday, January 30, 2017

Pick Up Your Swords And Prepare For Battle

Sometimes a before and after picture does more than remind you of your past. It highlights a piece of your future.

This weekend was the Arise women's conference at World Revival Church, and it was probably my favorite one yet. All of the speakers were on point with their messages, and Julianna Zobrist was a straight up blast. (Random dance party FTW!) I could go on and on about the wonderful weekend, but one thing hit me pretty hard, and it's kinda silly.

The Arise conference includes a photo booth, complete with goofy props and sparkly hats. After lunch, a couple ladies I just met and ate with asked me to join them for a shot. I grabbed my props, and while I was waiting on them to decide, I got a solo shot holding two swords.

But then, someone mentioned a meaning I hadn't realized.

The picture on the left is from 2015 and the one on the right is this year.

In 2015, I was in my second quarter at WRSM. As time would soon tell, I was pretty weak. I had a sword but didn't understand what that meant or how to use it. That's why there isn't a 2016 sword picture. I laid down my weapon and walked away from it for a while. I didn't realize what power I had access to at the time, and it is saddening to think about where I'd be now if I had avoided distraction instead of falling victim to it.

Thankfully, that's not where the story ends.

Now, I have a sword in each hand, not just plastic ones. As graduation approaches, I am more equipped spiritually and have a little better idea how to use it. Especially this quarter, I feel like new weapons are being placed in my hands, and let me tell you, it's nothing I ever expected of myself. My teachers are pushing us to really dig in and start figuring out how God wants to use us. They have been pushing us to sing, speak, write, and prophesy, which is all completely terrifying to me. I'm content serving behind the cameras, so having to preach in front of one is scary. But as much as I wanted to skip class and try to get out of the assignment, I did it, and then saw the words I spoke come to life not even 12 hours later. Little things like that are giving me the confidence boost that I think is visible in the second picture.

I'm not the only one being equipped and trained right now. I see so many women stepping up right now and I love it. A group of us started a book club, and our first selection talked about other people's success not taking away from ours, but rather raising the level of the whole squad. The old me would've been jealous seeing others be used in new ways, but now I see it as a blessing for all of us. After discussing the book, a few of us stuck around to talk more, and it turned into an amazing, encouraging time of prayer and prophetic words over each other. When Rachelle first turned to me and asked me to speak over her, I won't lie, my first thought was to distract and run. I kid you not, the sign over her shoulder inside the coffee shop said "I think you should go for it," so I did and it was a cool moment and kept the flow going for a while.

If there is anything that I've learned lately, it's that the voices telling me I can't do something are my biggest problem. I second guess myself and talk myself out of so much, it's silly. Not long ago, I felt like I should fill the gas can in my car and have my coworker put it in his car. I talked myself out of it, thinking he would say no to any help, like he normally does. What happened? He ran out of gas not half a mile away from the store. That moment really opened my eyes to the fact that I'm not without the ability, I'm without the willingness to take a risk and that needs to change. So I'm working on getting out of my comfort zone and listening to the Holy Spirit better. Who knows how many opportunities I missed in the past, but I can't afford to continue down that path. The world can't afford it.

As I write this, I was listening to "Strike the Ground" from Azusa Now on YouTube, but it switched clips to one by Rick Pino. I just heard the words, "I'm telling you the earth is about to experience a generation of people who know who they are because they know who their God is, and our God is Yahweh. And he is the Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle." I was already planning to take this post in the direction of warfare, but that just cemented it (especially considering the song is "You're an Army" and I was going to use a line from that song as the caption on the new sword picture. God is really cool about confirming things!!)

One of the prayer warriors Sunday morning even spoke over me "You're God's warrior girl" and I feel like that is more true now than ever before in my life.

War is on our doorstep, so it's time for the army to rise and prepare. For the sake of backing that should up (Thanks Julianna Zobrist!), here's your scripture. Ephesians 6:10-13 says, "A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm."

Pick up your swords and learn how to use them now. You are about to need every spiritual weapon you have.

"Oh the weapons of our warfare, they are mighty through our God."

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